Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Longcut tonight @ Cinespace

If you missed Longcut last night at the Silverlake Lounge, make sure to check them out tonight @ Cinespace. For some reason the real audio files on their website aren't working but you can check out some of their music at their myspace profile: http://www.myspace.com/thelongcut . It's pretty good and reminds me of the alt-rock scene in the 90's. i don't know much about that scene so i'm not even going to try and pretend - i spent most of the late 90's wearing big pants and dancing frenetically in warehouses. i could give you a run-down on rave history but scratch my head at the mere mention of a shoegazer. Anyways the band *sounds* good, and that's all that matters, eh?

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